The Scenic Protections of the Clean Air Act, North Dakota Law Review, Vol 87

The Scenic Protections of the Clean Air Act

By John Copeland Nagle

North Dakota Law Review: Vol. 87 : No. 4 , Article 5.
First Page 571 – Last Page 602


The purpose of the Clean Air Act (CAA) is to make sure there is clean
air throughout the United States.2 The air in many places was badly
polluted before Congress passed the CAA in 1970. The CAA, therefore,
contains numerous provisions designed to clean up that air to the standards
set forth in the law.3 The goal in those places where the air was already
clean when Congress passed the CAA is to maintain the clean air.4

North Dakota was one of the places where the air was already clean
when Congress passed the CAA. The air was especially clear in Theodore
Roosevelt National Park (TRNP), located in the badlands of western North
Dakota. Established as a “national memorial park” in 1947 and promoted
to a full-fledged national park in 1978, TRNP is one of only fifty-eight
places that Congress has preserved as a national park.5 MORE>>


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