In a decarbonizing world, does it still make sense to spend taxpayer dollars on oil pipelines? Globe and Mail ($)

Thomas Gunton, Carolyn Fischer and David Wheeler β€’ Published September 22, 2020 | Updated September 30, 2020

Thomas Gunton is professor and director of the Resource and Environmental Planning Program at Simon Fraser University. Carolyn Fischer holds the Canada 150 Research Chair in Climate Economics, Innovation, and Policy at the University of Ottawa. David Wheeler has advised the governments of Alberta and Nova Scotia on energy policy and is a former chair of Business and Sustainability at York University.

The federal government’s Throne Speech focuses on climate action as a cornerstone of its green recovery strategy to rebuild the Canadian economy after COVID-19.

While including measures such as promoting zero emission vehicles and cleaner energy sources, the strategy says little about the future of fossil fuel production in Canada and the government’s decision to build an oil pipeline remains an open question. MORE>>

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